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    This is slide 1 description. Go to Edit HTML and replace these sentences with your own words. This is a Blogger template by Lasantha - PremiumBloggerTemplates.com...

  • This is Slide 2 Title

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  • This is Slide 3 Title

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Thursday 30 January 2014

How to check your Internet Usage for Airtel Broadband?

How to check your Internet Usage for Airtel Broadband?

Do you want check your internet usage for Airtel Broadband connection, click the below link.

How to create Property Layer using VB.Net?

How to create Property Layer using VB.Net?

Public Class boUsers

#Region "Private Variables"

    Private _uid As Integer

#End Region

#Region "Public Properties"

    Public Property uid() As Integer
            Return _uid
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As Integer)
            _uid = value
        End Set
    End Property

#End Region

How to create Stored Procedure in MS SQL Server?

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_GetEmployee]
@EmpId INT,
@EmpName VARCHAR(50),
     SELECT a.EmpName, b.DeptName FROM tblEmployee a
          JOIN tblDept b ON b.EmpId=a.EmpId
          ORDER BY a.EmpName DESC

     IF @@error <> 0
          SET @Error = ERROR_MESSAGE()


ALTER TABLE <table_name>
ADD <column_name> <datatype>
ALTER TABLE <table_name>
DROP COLUMN <column_name>
ALTER TABLE <table_name>
ALTER COLUMN <column_name> <datatype>
ALTER TABLE <table_name>
DROP COLUMN <column_name>

Saturday 25 January 2014

SenTamil Fonts - Keyboard Layout

SenTamil Fonts - Keyboard Layout

Friday 17 January 2014

What is the alternative of table tag valign property in CSS?

What is the alternative of table tag valign property in CSS?

CSS Property:
It sets the vertical alignment of an element.
Default value:    
Property Values:
baseline, sub (subscript), super (superscript), top, bottom, middle, text-top, text-bottom.

How to change the text to upper case, lower case, title case using CSS?

How to change the text to upper case, lower case, title case using CSS?
CSS Property:
It controls the capitalization (uppercase, lowercase, titlecase) of text.
Default value:    
Property Values:
capitalize - convert first character of each word to upper case.
uppercase - convert all character of each word to upper case.
lowercase - convert all character of each word to lower case.

Monday 13 January 2014

How do you activate Windows 8 Professional or Enterprise?

How do you activate Windows 8 Professional or Enterprise?

To activate Windows 8 Professional or Enterprise version, follow the below step by step instructions.

Step 1: Right click on "Start Screen" (windows screen left corner bottom side)

Step 2: Left click on "Command Prompt (Admin)"
Step 3: In Command Window, type "slui 3" and press enter key.  Windows Activation Window will be opened.

Step 4: Type activation key for  Windows 8 Professional or Enterprise in the dialog box (in Product Key Textbox).
Step 5: Click "Activate" button.
Trick Questions
  • How to Activate Windows 8 with “SLUI”?
  • How to change Windows 8 Product Key to complete Activation?

Thursday 2 January 2014

Difference between Value Types and Reference Types

Difference between Value Types and Reference Types

Value Types:
bool, byte, chat, decimal, double, enum , float, int, long, sbyte, short, strut, uint,
ulong, ushort. Value types are stored in the Stack
Reference Types:
class, delegate, interface, object, string. Reference types are stored in the Heap