Monday 26 January 2015

MS Excel : Excel Operators along with their Function and Examples

Excel Operators along with their Function and Examples
Type Operator Description Example
Arithmetic + Adds the values =A2+B2+D2
 -  Performs subtraction  = A2 – B2
 /  Performs Division  =A5/D7
 *  Multiplies the values  =B5*D8
% Divides the value by 100 =D9%
 ^  Exponentiation  =B5^5
 Single Text  &  Connects different entries to produce one continuous entry  =B4&” “&C6
 Reference , (comma)  It combines multiple references into one reference  =SUM(A5,B8:C11,D15)
 : (colon)  Defines the selected range
space Evaluates cells that are common in two references =SUM(A5:A8 A5:D8)
Comparison > Greater than =A5>B5
< Less than =A5<B6
= Equates the values and create links between cells =A5=B7
>= Greater than or equal to =A5>=B5
<= Less than or equal to =A5<=B6
<> Not equal to =A5<>B7


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